What is DRF Forum?
The DRF Forum is a global knowledge platform managed by the World Bank Group – Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Program (DRFIP) that curates knowledge and promotes best practices in Disaster Risk Finance (DRF) across countries, institutions, civil society and thought leaders who are engaged in climate and disaster risk management and financial protection strategies. Launched in 2017, the DRF Forum seeks to build a community of practitioners and academics to exchange on real-world applications and thinking to improve the delivery and uptake from governments to integrate DRF [strategies] into national planning and public financial management decisions.
The DRF Forum aims to strengthen global efforts by sharing resources and technical training, building partnerships, and increasing public awareness. Overall, the DRF Forum:
- Serves as a one-stop virtual knowledge repository for development practitioners and stakeholders to advance disaster risk finance and insurance
- Offers a collaborative platform to connect thought leaders and practitioners to facilitate knowledge sharing and provides cutting-edge applications, research, tools and training
- Empowers stakeholders to integrate financial protection instruments and implement policy changes that integrate disaster risk finance principles
DRF Forum brings together members from private, public and academic sectors to exchange on various topics related to disaster risk finance.