DRF for Agriculture and Climate Resilient Livelihoods Workshop for Sub-Saharan African Countries
The DRF for Agriculture and Climate Resilient Livelihoods was an invitation-only 4-day workshop developed by the World Bank’s Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Program (DRFIP). The workshop, which brought together 32 senior technical government officials and private sector representatives from ten countries, namely, Eswatini, Kenya, Lesotho, Namibia, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, was designed to deepen knowledge on DRF for agricultural livelihoods and foster regional collaboration among practitioners, technical counterparts and policymakers of Sub-Saharan African countries. The workshop builds on a series of 12 online webinars which began in 2021, the Knowledge series: Strengthening Financial Resilience in Agriculture and Knowledge Series: Disaster Risk Financing Solutions for Climate-Resilient Livelihoods in the Agricultural Sector.
Program Objectives:
- To increase knowledge and understanding of the status of financial resilience solutions for rural households and businesses, key gaps in evidence and its policy implications
- To complement the WB’s existing knowledge management products by developing content on new topics that were not covered in the previous webinar series, for example, design of AYII, forestry insurance, and climate finance for agriculture
- To support the development of agriculture risk financing strategies at regional, national and local levels to help Sub-Saharan African countries make informed decisions
- To improve financial capacity to mitigate the socio-economic, fiscal and financial impacts of disasters in Sub-Saharan African countries with a focus on agriculture
- To facilitate knowledge exchange and networking among representatives of different countries and World Bank staff
- To scale-up training initiatives on Disaster Risk Financing by providing clients and country partners the tools and templates to provide capacity building on DRF at the local level
Program Agenda
Click here to view the program agenda.
Presentations and Related Documents
Please find the presentations and related documents of the program.
Click here to view the Workbook.
Event Photo Gallery - Click here
Event Videos - Coming Soon
*For more information, please write to us at drfip@worldbankgroup.org