Projected health-care resource needs for an effective response to COVID-19 in 73 low-income and middle-income countries: a modelling study

Summary: the total cost estimate for the COVID-19 response in the status quo scenario was US$52∙45 billion over
4 weeks, at $8∙60 per capita. For the decreased or increased transmission scenarios, the totals were $33∙08 billion
and $61∙92 billion, respectively. Costs would triple under the status quo and increased transmission scenarios at
12 weeks. The costs of the decreased transmission scenario over 12 weeks was equivalent to the cost of the status
quo scenario at 4 weeks. By percentage of the overall cost, case management (54%), maintaining essential
services (21%), rapid response and case investigation (14%), and infection prevention and control (9%) were the
main cost drivers.

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DRF Training and Knowledge
Regions & Countries
Date of Publication
Sep 2020