Kenya Livestock Insurance Program (KLIP)

Providing agricultural insurance (crop and livestock) is one of the top priorities of the Government of Kenya (GoK). In October 2015, the GoK launched in two counties the Kenya Livestock Insurance Program (KLIP), which protects pastoralists against climatic shocks. The livestock insurance is planned to be expanded to the remaining 12 ASAL counties with a target of reaching about 65,000 vulnerable pastoralists by 202. Livestock is a major part of the Kenyan economy. The government said livestock losses between 2008 and 2011 accounted for 70 percent of the $12.1 billion in damages caused by drought.

Sovereign for Country
DRF on Homeowners and Small Businesses
DRF on Natural Disasters
DRF on Sovereigns
DRF on Resilient Livelihoods
DRF on Agriculture

Regions & Countries

Sub-Saharan Africa
Date of Publication
June, 2017