Global Shield Financing Facility-Branding Guidelines

The principles of the Global Shield Financing Facility (GSFF) brand aren’t just important from an aesthetic point of view. They’re there to support our mission and programmatic efforts. Intended to create maximum consistency and build equity through recognition, they support and influence everything we do. As you will see throughout this guide, from how people navigate our programs to how we innovate and remain relevant, a consistent brand is part of good design, which is good for our mission. And a great mission, such as the one we contribute to at the World Bank, needs a great design to support its initiatives.

These guidelines will help you if:

  • If you are a World Bank TTL who requests GSFF grants and need to know how to reference the facility in your work.
  • If you are a donor and/or a key stakeholder who will use GSFF branding.
  • If you are part of the Disaster Risk Financing Community of Practice, which includes country clients such as Ministries of Finance and other members.

Download the GSFF logos here and here.

Date of Publication
April, 2024