Feasibility Study - Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (DRFI) Solutions for Family Farmers in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras (English)

The objective of this feasibility study is to identify disaster risk finance and insurance (DRFI) solutions for up to 1.9 million family farmers in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. This study is motivated by an emerging consensus on the need to design and implement large-scale DRFI solutions to improve the financial resilience of family farmers in North Central America (NCA) and reduce their vulnerability to extreme weather events and climate risks. The feasibility study provides an initial assessment of the technical, operational, financial, and policy considerations for developing and implementing DRFI solutions for family farmers in NCA. The feasibility study considers lessons learned from existing large-scale DRFI solutions in peer countries as well as ongoing programs and pilots in NCA. It is funded by the Risk Finance Umbrella (RFU) Multidonor Trust Fund.


To read the report's Executive Summary in Spanish, click here.

DRF on Agriculture
Regions & Countries
Latin America and Caribbean
El Salvador
Date of Publication
Jan 2024