Crisis and Disaster Risk Finance (CDRF) Our Services

The Crisis and Disaster Risk Finance (CDRF) global team in the Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions (EFI) Practice Group provides client countries with expertise on financial risk management for disasters, climate shocks and other crises.

We offer a suite of analytical and advisory, financial, and convening services strategically designed to help vulnerable countries shift away from being crisis responders to become proactive risk managers. Through developing or strengthening pre-arranged finance and systems, we help countries take early action that can save lives, reduce costs and humanitarian needs, and protect development gains against disasters, climate shocks, and over time, a wider range of crises.

As part of the EFI Practice Group, the CDRF global team contributes to the common goal of policy and reform to enable equitable and sustainable growth and reduce poverty. This goal is met through finance and private sector solutions that safeguard development gains and growth against financial shocks from disasters, climate change, and other crises. Our aim is to mainstream financial and fiscal risk management of disasters and crises in lending operations to support policy reforms (macro-fiscal reforms and financial market development). CDRF’s multidisciplinary team also contributes to the resilience global policy dialogue by transforming data into a set of analytical tools to help countries make risk-informed decisions on their financial resilience strategies.

Sovereign for Country
DRF on Natural Disasters
DRF Training and Knowledge
DRF on Sovereigns
Regions & Countries
Date of Publication
Mar 2020