Disaster Risk Finance Country Note: Armenia

This Disaster Risk Finance Country Note is the first activity of the World Bank’s support to the Government of the Republic of Armenia on strengthening financial protection against natural disasters. It takes stock of existing mechanisms and instruments used to finance disaster response in Armenia and lays the foundation for the development of a comprehensive disaster risk financing strategy. Relevant government stakeholders were consulted during the development of this note, and the findings of this analysis and options for next steps were discussed and agreed with the government.

This note was developed jointly by the World Bank’s Disaster Risk Management Team for the Europe and Central Asia Region and the Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Program (DRFIP). The note builds on the operational framework for Disaster Risk Finance, which was developed by DRFIP drawing on collaboration with over 60 countries in strengthening their financial resilience to disasters and climate risks. Funding to enable this engagement was provided by the Japan – World Bank Program on Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management in Developing Countries of the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR).

Sovereign for Country
DRF on Analytics
DRF on Natural Disasters
Regions & Countries
South Asia
Date of Publication
Oct 2017