Sovereign Disaster Risk Finance in Middle Income Countries: A partnership with the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)

Established in late 2011, the Sovereign Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Program  for Middle-Income Countries (the Program) is one component of a broader World Bank-SECO partnership on fiscal risk management for MICs. The Program provides tailored advisory services and institutional capacity building for public financial management of natural disasters.

The Program’s engagement has spanned nine countries, making steady progressin many. At its inception the countries proposed for participation were Azerbaijan, Colombia, Egypt, Ghana, Indonesia, Peru, South Africa, Tunisia, and Vietnam. Progress across the different countries has varied in nature and scope.

Sovereign for Country
DRF on Analytics
DRF on Natural Disasters
DRF Training and Knowledge
DRF on Sovereigns

Regions & Countries

Azerbaijan, Colombia, Egypt, Ghana, Indonesia, Morocco, Peru, Serbia, South Africa, Tunisia, Vietnam
Date of Publication
August, 2016