De-risking, Inclusion, and Value Enhancement Of Pastoral Economies In The Horn Of Africa (DRIVE): Integrating a Gender Equality Lens

The DRIVE project (P176517) aims to enhance pastoralists’ access to financial services for drought risk mitigation, include them into value chains, and facilitate livestock trade in the Horn of Africa (HoA). The project currently spans four countries—Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia—and it presents an innovative approach to address the impact of climate change as well as to increase the resilience of pastoralists and improve their access to markets to enhance the livestock value chain.

DRIVE uses a regional implementation approach to protect pastoralists against drought by providing a package of financial services that helps them mitigate financial shock events. The project further mobilizes private investment in pastoral value chains and facilitates regional livestock trade to ensure pastoralists get more value for their livestock-rearing activities.

This brief focuses on gender considerations and actions implemented under DRF-related activities within the project.

DRF on Resilient Livelihoods
DRF on Agriculture
Regions & Countries
Date of Publication
Mar 2024