[Repository] Country Diagnostics Reports

Jun 10


World Bank's Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Program, in collaboration with external contributors has published disaster risk finance diagnostics reports on a number of countries vulnerable to climate disasters. Given below is a consolidated list of all country diagnostic reports published so far. 


Download the reports here

   Name of the Report
   Angola Disaster Risk Finance Diagnostic 2024   Angola       Click here       May, 2024
   Zimbabwe Disaster Risk Finance Diagnostics   Zimbabwe   Click here   Feb 2024
   Disaster Risk Finance Diagnostic in Uganda   Uganda   Click here      Feb, 2023  
   Climate and Disaster Risk Finance Diagnostic 2022 - Ethiopia   Ethiopia   Click here   Feb, 2023
   Disaster Risk Finance Diagnostic - South Africa   South Africa   Click here   Nov, 2022
   Sierra Leone Crisis and Disaster Risk Finance Diagnostic   Sierra Leone      Click here       Apr, 2022    
   Eswatini Disaster Risk Finance Diagnostic   Eswatini   Click here   Mar, 2022
   Disaster Risk Finance Diagnostic - Albania    Albania   Click here   Jan, 2021
   Lesotho Disaster Risk Financing Diagnostic   Lesotho   Click here   Jan, 2020
   DRF Country Diagnostic Note: Myanmar   Myanmar   Click here   Jun, 2017
   DRF Country Diagnostic Note: LAO PDR   Lao PDR   Click here   Jun, 2017
   Disaster Risk Finance Country Diagnostic Note: Cambodia   Cambodia   Click here   Jun, 2017
   DRF Country Diagnostic Report - Serbia    Serbia   Click here   May, 2016  


In addition to the country diagnostic reports, the "Assessing Financial Protection Against Disasters: A Guidance Note on Conducting a Disaster Risk Finance Diagnostic" note provides guidance on how to conduct such a diagnostic exercise in a systematic and comprehensive manner, covering the following areas: (1) Assessments of the impact of past disasters; (2) Assessment of the current approach to disaster risk finance; (3) Review of domestic insurance and capital markets; (4) Funding gap analysis; and (5) Options for improved financial protection.

(Download the note here)