Sierra Leone Launched a Safety Net Project with a Disaster Risk Financing Component

The second additional financing for the Sierra Leone safety net project, was launched by the President in Sierra Leone on February 27, 2020. With the World Bank's support, the additional financing aims to expand the coverage of the basic social safety net which provides income support to extremely poor households in all 16 districts of Sierra Leone. As part of the additional financing, resources have been secured from the  Global Risk Financing Facility (GRiF), to build shock-responsive systems for the safety net to be used for emergency cash transfers. To be able to pilot and test this system, International Development Association (IDA) funds have been set aside as contingency for such emergency cash transfers.​

The launch was attended by the President, the First Lady, ministers, parliamentarians, paramount chiefs, local councils, beneficiaries of the Social Safety Net among other key stakeholders – including development partners like the World Bank. Click here to read more on the local press release. 

Photo credit: Sierra Leone State House Media and Communications Unit.