[Event Recap] Philippines: Disaster Risk Finance and Disaster Risk Based Budgeting Training for Department of Budget and Management


A two-day Disaster Risk Finance (DRF) training in the Philippines was conducted on 20-Feb and 22-Feb, 2024. The training was aimed at officials from the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) in the Government of Philippines. The training, which was attended by 14 participants, was held in support the government of Philippines who is in the process of developing their first Disaster Risk-Based Budgeting framework with support from the World Bank Group. This framework aims to institutionalize disaster risk finance and configure public finance management (PFM) systems to proactively respond to and recover from disasters. Six technical working groups have been established by DBM led by Dr. Joselito Basilio to take stock and develop action plans for the focus areas identified for this framework: mainstreaming DRF into budgeting, DRF instruments, emergency procurement, disaster spending tracking, legislative and asset management. The government plans to keep the framework a live document, with some of its elements updated annually. 

This event is delivered by the World Bank team led by Radu Tatucu (Senior Financial Sector Specialist) and Tatiana Skalon (Financial Sector Specialist). Key presenters supporting the program included Stephanie Allan (Senior PFM Specialist) and Daniel McGree (Senior Actuary). Speakers included Gonzalo Pita (Catastrophe Modeling Expert), Greg Fowler (DRF Expert), Clarita Kusharto (Financial Sector Specialist), Charles Stutley (Agricultural Insurance Expert), Atty. Maria Obdulia Vitug-Palanca (Senior Local Insurance Expert), and a guest from Wellington City Council – Andie Thompson (Senior Advisor Insurance). The program was supported by Sonal Chinchwadkar (Knowledge and Communication Specialist). The program delivery focused on presenting theory and talk through its real-world application from different countries and a set of interactive exercise developed by the Word Bank Group’s Crisis and Disaster Risk Finance team.


To learn more about Disaster Risk Finance, please visit Financial Protection Forum


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